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Define Rules

Notification is based on rules that you can define under the Push notification module.

Defining a new rule:

  • Name – add a desired name for you Notification / Event.
  • Active – if it is not active it will not run on the server side.
  • Worker – is an important part, this will create a new Queue under the Rabbit MQ and there you can find your messages.
  • Time Out(s) – in seconds.
  • Static Channel – use on of the push notification channels – see definition
  • Define Channel – for this Event you can define a dedicated channel where data need to be announced.
  • Data Stream – on what data stream from RoboFuse to be active this rule.
  • Attach Payload – if to attach the original payload to message.
  • Max Frq. – what is the maximum frequency that messages will be pushed to MQ – not used in this version.
  • Payload Max. Vol – if payload is larger than specified volume is not attached – not used in this version.

Define channel (If checked it will overwrite the Static Channel field)

If for a specific rule you need to superscript the Channel that must be used, here you can do this, by defining:

  • Channel Name – designated name
  • Channel URL – URL of the 3rd party system
  • Channel User – user
  • Channel Password – password

When this specific rule is executed the particular channel is used, and notification is sent using this channel.

Rule Payload

System will send to the Application Message Queue a message once the rule is fired.

The message is sent under the Worked Queue.

Message structure:

  "app_id": "155_1zgkcipy3ry8wsg0oss0ocwcsws8gssgwkgo4wcocgwss",
  "user_uid": "5455b4f9-f0ee-4f23-bcc8-134ec1a5ca27",
  "channel": {
    "url": "",
    "user": "",
    "pwd": ""
  "stream_payload": "W3sidmFsdWUiOiAiMjYuMiIsICJ0aW1lc3RhbXAiOiAiMjAyMS0wNy0yN1QxNTo0NzoxMiswMzowMCIsICJ1bml0IjogIkMiLCAiZGV2aWNlSUQiOiAiNGMxMWFlZDhjZDQzLWQ2MDMwZTk3OTQ0M2I1MjgifV0="


Stream Payload is base64 encoded, for example the payload decoded is:

    "value": "26.2",
    "timestamp": "2021-07-27T15:47:12+03:00",
    "unit": "C",
    "deviceID": "4c18cd43-d6030e979443b528"

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